LESSON 03 - Chapter d

How to build a Professional Web Site by Carlo Scodanibbio Valid XHTML 1.0!
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1 - chapter b
1 - chapter c
1 - chapter d
1 - chapter e
1 - chapter f
1 - chapter g
1 - chapter h
1 - chapter i
1 - chapter j
1 - chapter k
2 - chapter a
2 - chapter b
2 - chapter c
2 - chapter d
2 - chapter e
2 - chapter f
2 - chapter g
2 - chapter h
3 - chapter a
3 - chapter b
3 - chapter c
3 - chapter d
3 - chapter e
3 - chapter f
3 - chapter g
3 - chapter h
4 - chapter a
4 - chapter b
4 - chapter c
4 - chapter d
4 - chapter e
4 - chapter f
4 - chapter g
4 - chapter h
4 - chapter i
4 - chapter j
4 - chapter k
5 - chapter a
5 - chapter b
5 - chapter c
5 - chapter d
5 - chapter e
5 - chapter f
5 - chapter g
6 - chapter a
You may notice that every time there is a change in Font style I open and close the FONT Tag to take control of every change.
This is not always necessary. For instance, in the last example, I might have written my HTML code as follows, and it would have worked just fine:

This is a <FONT COLOR="#0000FF" FACE="Arial" SIZE="5">beautiful <FONT COLOR="#FF0000" SIZE="7">Web Page !!! </FONT>

BUT, don't do it !!!!
The second FONT opening Tag "takes over" the Arial FACE from the first one, which normally is accepted by modern Browsers, but I cannot give you any guarantee it will work under any condition.
Moreover, the HTML closing syntax is wrong ! One </FONT> closing Tag for two <FONT> opening Tags is supported (or, better, "tolerated") by modern Browsers, but is not according to HTML standards.
Finally, such coding might not work at all inside a "Table" (Lesson on Tables coming up soon): both Netscape and Explorer might go completely berserk.....
So, always stick to the golden rule for the FONT Tag: always open it "in full" (with all necessary Attributes) and close it at each and every Font style change and you'll never go wrong !
After all it's just a matter of "copy and paste" for the FONT Code.....

Hoh, hoh, I was almost forgetting: it is Exercise Time !!!!.

Try to make a Web Page that looks similar to this:


The solution is coming, as usual, with the next Lesson.

When I have some time, I enjoy playing with Tags and Attributes to make cute gadgets like the following:

 h a s t a   l a   v i s t a,   b a b y.....

or like this:

 T E C H N I C O L O R

or like this:

 r a i n b o w

Are you more impressed now ?
Test yourself, if you wish, practising on exercises like those above, then you may see the HTML codes here

previousgo back to previous chapter shut-down this HTML story ! go to next chapter - if you still have enough

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