by Carlo Scodanibbio |
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Happy ? Or confused ? Do not worry, with some exercising everything will be just clear. In fact, I think I am going to give you straight away a little exercise. OK ? Exercise 01. Create a Web Page that looks like this:The solution will be given with next Lesson, so you can compare your solution with my solution - this will be the general rule, from now on. You should be able to do this Exercise in no more than 3 minutes. Before closing this Lesson I suppose I should give you a little hint. Since there are several exercises coming up in this course, you might want to create a special Folder to keep all of them: it might be handy so you can look at them any time you wish, as a reference. Besides, if you decide to send me your completed Exercises by E-Mail (and you should !!!), you need to know how to attach them to an E-Mail message. In both cases you should read this tutorial for managing exercises (Enclosure 07). And now, another issue that I just mentioned in the previous Lesson. What happens when you close your Notepad by accident, or anyhow when you are tired of HTML work ? How do you recover your Notepad HTML code ? If you are Windows conversant you may skip this, otherwise have a look at this other tutorial: where the heck is my HTML textual code gone? (Enclosure 08). Finally, as promised, you will find useful Links to Web Sites that I recommend to visit in this Enclosure 09 - links to useful Web Sites. Well, that's all also for this Lesson. Are you feeling OK ? Then you are ready for next Lesson: fun is increasing more and more.... Bye for now ! |
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